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Guest Artist Reception

Mary Chatowsky Jameson: Ocean Botanicals

August 6 thru 13. 

Mary Chatowsky Jameson is the owner of Saltwater Studio in Newport, Rhode Island. She is an artist who explores the marine environment for inspiration in her artwork.  Her Marine Botanical pressings and collages are created from seaweed and organic elements collected on excursions throughout the northern Atlantic coast.

 “In my current body of work, I am exploring marine algae as a contemporary art form.  I collect specimens and organic matter from the intertidal zones along the coast.  Back at the studio I study the shape, texture and color of individual species and start a process of symbiotic layering to create new forms.  At times I do not combine specimens but am responding to the essence of an individual piece of algae.  It may be an essence that embodies the ocean, the unique properties of this organism, or simply my relationship to it at the moment.  A key concept with my work is transformation.  As I create new forms, the known and unknown intersect in a dynamic way to challenge thought patterns.  For most people, seaweed is a nuisance – something to avoid.  My work presents a new awareness for consideration and offers new insights into the mysteries and beauty of the marine world.”

August 4

Member Artist Reception

August 14

Guest Artist Reception